The European Colour Deficient Aircrew Association
Siamo impegnati a diffondere e cambiare la regolamentazione medica sui requisiti di visione cromatica per i piloti europei

Chi Siamo
Siamo impegnati a diffondere e cambiare la regolamentazione medica sui requisiti di visione cromatica per i piloti europei
ECDAA è un organizzazione senza scopo di lucro in cui piloti e professionisti dell'aviazione di tutto il mondo si sono riuniti per creare consapevolezza e cambiamento in Europa sulla regolamentazione della visione dei colori per gli equipaggi di volo. Supportiamo e forniamo consulenza gratuita a chiunque debba affrontare dinieghi medici o perdita di licenze a causa delle normative restrittive attualmente in vigore. Lavoriamo insieme per spingere al cambiamento all'interno dell'EASA verso metodi di test più equi e pratici che fermeranno la discriminazione di molti piloti e potenziali candidati di alta qualità. Questi test sono già utilizzati in Nuova Zelanda, Australia e Stati Uniti, dove queste modifiche da noi auspicate sono state introdotte con successo. Ti invitiamo a unirti a noi e diventare parte di questa fantastica community!
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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has decided to remove the OCVT and all non-computerised tests from 1st Jan 2025

The Federal Aviation Administration has decided to remove the OCVT and all non-computerised tests from 1st Jan 2025, without any consultation or reasoning provided.
This will make obtaining an FAA class 1 medical significantly more difficult, the original Ishihara test 38 plate edition allowed up to 9 errors, whereas the computerised tests give little leniency for colour deficients and provide no operational elements or the chance to demonstrate operational ability.
The new Australian Operational Colour Vision Test (AOCVA)

EASA to review Colour vision requirements in the new full glass cockpit environment and modern ATCO consoles
The current colour vision requirements were established more than 20 years ago, and since then, there have been significant advancements in aviation technology, including full glass cockpit and ATM consoles. These advancements have changed the working environment for pilots and ATCOs, and it is necessary to assess whether the current colour vision requirements are still suitable for these modern working environments.
The expected outcome of the project is to provide an updated assessment of the colour vision needs for pilots and ATCOs in modern working environments. This assessment will be based on scientific evidence and will identify any potential changes needed to the current requirements. By providing this evidence, the project will support decision-making with regards to regulatory needs pertaining to colour vision assessment for pilots and ATCOs.
The project aims to ensure that the colour vision requirements for pilots and ATCOs are appropriate for modern working environments and that they are based on the latest scientific evidence. This will help to enhance safety and efficiency in air travel, by ensuring that pilots and ATCOs have the necessary colour vision abilities to perform their duties effectively.
Ultimately, the project will support decision-making with regards to regulatory needs pertaining to colour vision assessment for pilots and ATCOs and help to ensure the safety and efficiency of air travel.
More information can be found here:
Some great news for all current and future CVD Pilots in Australia. CVDPA was informed on Friday that the Legislative Instrument approving the Operational Colour Vision Assessment (AOCVA) flight test has now been signed-off by Civil Aviation Safety Authority - CASA CEO Pip Spence.
This means that the AOCVA is now recognised as a valid test for the purposes of obtaining an unrestricted Class 1 or 2 medical certificate. We expect CASA to make an announcement in the coming days, and there will be a short period while examiners who were previously endorsed to carry out the test complete additional training, however the finish line is now significantly closer.
CVPA will also be reviewing the content of the legislative instrument once it has been released, to make sure that it is fair and balanced. In the meantime, the Flight Examiner Handbook instructions for the AOCVA have now been published, and provide an excellent view into what the test contains and how it is to be conducted:
Alla European Colour Defective Aircrew Association, crediamo nella creazione di una rete in cui tutti possano esprimere la propria voce, i propri pensieri e aiutarsi a vicenda attraverso il nostro forum dedicato. Ci saranno articoli di notizie per tenerti aggiornato sugli sviluppi del settore e risorse utili per aiutarti a comprendere la complessa normativa.

Seminari ed eventi
I nostri seminari ed eventi saranno una grande opportunità per incontrare il team e molte persone che la pensano allo stesso modo. I seminari copriranno una varietà di argomenti diversi e saranno un modo per aiutarti. Gli incontri saranno occasioni per lavorare insieme e condividere le competenze.