Panel Members
The European Colour Deficient Aircrew Association was founded by pilots, air traffic controllers and all types of aircrew. The panel works together to push for change and to represent the voice of all CVD Aircrew in Europe.
If you would like to join the panel please contact us

Jonny Salmon
Editor/Panel Member -UK

Simone De Marchi
ECDAA Founder- Italy

Jordan Penning
ECDAA Founder- UK

Aleksander Rønningen
Panel Member -Norway
Nic McKerrow
Panel Member- Australia
Jordan Penning MSc BSc (Hons) ARAeS
Pilot and Founder
Jordan is a private pilot with a Hons degree in Air Transport Management, a Master in International Air Law and Regulation as well as training to be a commercial pilot. Facing difficulty with the UK CAA with their restrictive colour vision regulation for class 1 medicals, Jordan has written his dissertation research on this topic, a very important piece that has substantive information and is a must-read, working with now the UK DFT and aviation ministers to push for change within the UK and Europe and is working towards trying to bring in a practical form of testing similar to Australia and New Zealand. He has set up The European Colour Deficient Aircrew Association in 2020 and is a part-time 737-800 sim instructor and panel member for the Air League.
His work can be found on the Useful Resources page.
Simone De Marchi
Pilot and Founder
Simone is a Commercial pilot with a Hons degree in Biotechnologies from the University of Padua.
In 2018, in collaboration with Jordan Penning and other professional aircrews and doctors started the creation of a group of aviation professionals from all over the world, this led to the foundation of the European Colour Deficient Aircrew Association in 2020. From 2016 he's also an Emergency Medical Technician volunteering for the Emergency Medical Service in Italy. His goal is to work for a revision of the current restrictive regulations across Europe and pushing for a real common and updated, to the latest scientific findings, protocol of testing agreed within all the EASA countries.
Jonny has been a private pilot since 2008, holding a day-only Class 2 medical. He is currently distance learning CPL theory exams and hoping to complete his flying instructor (FI) rating shortly after finishing the exams. He works in marketing and works for FLYER magazine after spending 5 years with the Royal International Air Tattoo.
Jonny Salmon
Pilot/ Editor and Panel Member
Aleksander Rønningen
Pilot and Panel Member
Pilot and Panel Member
Pilot and Panel Member
Nic McKerrow
Pilot and Panel Member
Aleksander is a private pilot with 150+ hours and has a colour deficiency. He has a deep understanding of the colour vision regulation in EASA and Norway. He will bring articles and objective information about colour vision which comes from his experience of piloting an aircraft from a colour defective pilot perspective. He is helping the panel promote the need for a practical colour vision test within Europe.
Henrique brings a breadth of knowledge and experience to the team as an A320 Captain and instructor for an airline based in South America. He fully supports the need for a practical based approach to testing for CVD.
Paul is a very experienced pilot and member of the team, He's an FI/Tug Pilot/Para Examiner. His knowledge is second to none when it comes to colour vision testing and the relationship it shares to performing the role as a pilot.
Nic McKerrow is a commercial pilot and a ramp handler based in Australia. He passed the Australian OCVA test and is working towards his ATPL whilst also helping ECDAA to make the same changes in Australia, worldwide. His experience of the OCVA is crucial to understanding how the test works and how it can be implemented in the UK and Europe.